
How to Accident-Proof Your Home

account_circle Anita Natu 04-Jul-2022 chat_bubble 1 Comments person_add 0 Shares

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account_circle Anita Natu 04-Jul-2022

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The door-bell is ringing or the cell phone is ringing, and we hasten to answer it.

Or we hurry to switch off the gas in the kitchen. Likelihood is that we might trip and fall.

The statistics are worrying: ‘The number of Indian older adults who are likely to fall ranges from 14% to 53%’. As we grow older, the chances of falling and injuring ourselves indoors increase, often resulting in serious injury.

We need to prevent this happening, so here are some tips to accident-proof your home:


Our kitchen needs to be safe so that we do not unwittingly cause a fire or spill hot food on ourselves. The kitchen should have:

·       Plenty of light especially near the cooking space

·       Non-slip rubber mats below the sink where it is likely to be wet

·       Remember to close all drawers after opening, so you do not trip over them

·       Pot handles should be turned away from you and not hanging over the edge of the gas stove. Preferably use pots with 2 handles

·       Keep items which are used regularly within easy reach. Do not stand on a stool to reach for them

·       Heavy items should be at counter or waist level as either bending over or reaching high could strain your back

·       Don’t leave food unattended while cooking

·       Don’t wear very loose, synthetic clothing

·       Instead of glass utensils try to use unbreakable items


Bathrooms are danger zones as it is easy to slip on the wet and sometimes soapy floor.

·       Install grab bars in shower area and near water closet

·       Put non slip rubber mats in shower area, below wash basin and near water closet

Living Room and Bedroom

·       Avoid placing loose mats and rugs on the floor

·       There should be no sharp edges that jut out from furniture

·       Reduce clutter on the floor, with wide spaces between furniture

·       Flooring should be non-slip

·       Avoid rooms when floor is being mopped


General Safety Rules:

1.    Change electrical wiring in your home if it is more than 10 – 15 years old

2.    Switch off and unplug appliances when not in use

3.    Keep a small fire extinguisher handy and learn to use it

4.    Staircase should have railing on both sides and non-slip treads

So, next time you hear the bell ring and nobody’s home, get up and walk at your normal pace to answer it. The caller can wait, its not worth a fall.


by Anita Natu