

account_circle Anita Natu 08-Mar-2023 chat_bubble 0 Comments person_add 0 Shares

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account_circle Anita Natu 08-Mar-2023

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Two brothers, Palekanda Bopaiah, 94 and Palekanda Beliappa, 85, residents of Kuttandi village in Kodagu district are making their district and state proud by participating in various sports championships held for senior citizens across the country.

The Palekanda brothers took part in the Pan India Master Games held in Bengaluru in 2022 and won three gold medals and two silver medals. By taking part in javelin throw, relay race, 1,500 metre running race, walkathon, 100 metre run, the two brothers call themselves all-rounders.

They first participated in sports championship as senior citizens at Vadodara. Beliappa won the third place in the National Masters Game. Ever since, they ensure that they take part in all championships that are held for senior citizens across the country. They look forward to taking part in the athletic championships scheduled to be held in Sydney and Japan in 2023.

In January 2019. N S Dattatreya at the age of 90, developed an interest in marathons and walkathons. He participated in his first race in January and ever since then, the zeal to run has doubled. He encouraged his son Murli to participate along with him in the marathons. His son also joined him and the duo started running 5km every morning. The secret to Dattatreya's fitness also lies in his diet that largely comprises of greens but he says, Mondays are his "cheat days". So far, he has bagged more than 50 medals and 10 trophies and he also ran for the 5km ‘Run for Unity’ held in Bengaluru in 2019.

He also represented India in the 21st Asia Master Athletics Championship in Malaysia in December 2019 where he emerged with five gold medals. This fitness pro has already participated in 90 events both physical and virtual since 2019. He also participated in the TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2020.

-Edited and compiled by Anita Natu
